“Digital and Entrepreneurial Teachers for a Fast-Changing World (2ª edición)”


The idea of this MOOC is to bring education closer to all students, to understand their way of using technology so that education adapts to new uses and to blur the frontiers through the possibilities offered by digital environments.

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This course is a stand-alone course designed by e-DESK to help higher education educators develop entrepreneurial and digital skills, as well as providing resources for the implementation of hybrid and blended methodologies in their classes.
The MOOC counts with ten modules focused on entrepreneurial and digital competencies, learning design, innovative pedagogical approaches and useful tools and materials to ease the introduction of the technology in your classroom.

eDESK is expected to include at least 40 HEI Educators (professors, teachers, lecturers, researchers, assistants, etc) from Universidad de Cantabria (UC), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), University of Zagreb (UNIZG) and Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) testing the project’s proposed deliverables, contributing to an iterative process for validation and quality increase of the final outcomes.


Duration: 50 hours (6 weeks)

Start date: 16th January 2023
End date:  13th March 2023


Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 50 horas de estudio (6 semanas)

Inicio: 16 de enero de 2023
Final: 13 de marzo de 2023


Target audience/ Destinatarios:

Higher education educators (professors, lecturers, researchers, assistants)

Learning objectives/ Objetivos de aprendizaje 

The student will acquire digital and entrepreneurial skills and tools for face-to-face and virtual university teaching.


Previous knowledge recommended/Conocimientos previos recomendados:

Basic notions of handling a personal computer and browsing the Internet.


Contents/ Contenidos 

1. Competences, skills, and values in general: This module provides an introduction to competences, skills and values, focusing on entrepreneurial competences, and pedagogical approaches which can support the acquisition of such competences.

2. Developing entrepreneurial competences: This module is an introduction to entrepreneurial competences and, especially, to the EntreComp Framework and its adaptation to entrepreneurial education, EntreCompEdu.

3. Real-world requirements for entrepreneurial competences: This module aims to provide successful examples of application of entrepreneurial education in real world context and in the university sphere.

4. Relevant pedagogical approaches: This module will give you an opportunity to gain deeper insights into innovative pedagogical approaches. You might be using some or many of them in your everyday practices and this module aims to bring them closer to you and inspire your teaching practice.

5. Evaluating the digital teaching and learning skills of students and staff: This module serves as an overview of how technology can support learning and how we can define and assess the digital skills needed to promote this enrichment Learning design concept and tool.

6. Learning design concept and tool: This module will provide you with guidelines and a tool which will support you in designing learning online with the intended learning outcomes and pedagogical approaches.

7. Learning resources: This module aims to provide you resources to educate and to include ethical and sustainable thinking in your classes, but also to prevent plagiarism. In this module you will first find some materials focused on ethical and sustainable thinking.

8. Evaluation and quality assurance: This module focuses on the importance of quality assurance in the different dimensions of Higher Education, for example, in assessment. It also provides examples of quality assurance standards useful for European university educators.

9. Delivery models of teaching and learning: This module aims to differentiate and introduce the main delivery modes contemplated by the eDESK methodology. First dive into the world of delivery modes with a video explanation of the different types and its benefits.

10.Further personal development: This module aims to serve as a guide for you to deepen your knowledge on the different delivery models and innovative methodologies included in the course modules. Itserves as a first step to further research on the topic.



Federico Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo

Full Professor of Materials Science and

Metallurgical Engineering

University of Cantabria

Alba González Calleja

Project Manager


Pirjo Kuru

Project Coordinator

LUT Lappeenranta University of Technology

Hilkka Laakso

Project Coordinator

LUT Lappeenranta University of Technology

Carla Portela 

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Office

NOVA University of Lisbon

Paulo Belo Costa

Pedagogical Innovation

NOVA University of Lisbon

Blaženka Divjak

Full Professor of Mathematics

University of Zagreb

FOI Faculty of Organization and Informatics

Barbi Svetec

PhD student

University of Zagreb

FOI Faculty of Organization and Informatics

Josipa Bađari

International Project Officer

University of Zagreb

FOI Faculty of Organization and Informatics


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  • Nombre de la tienda: Universidad de Cantabria
  • Vendedor: Universidad de Cantabria
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